Part 89: Update LXXXVI - Featuring: Real Samurai Hours
Update LXXXVI - Featuring: Real Samurai HoursMusic: Forfeit - The Dragon Inquires

A teleporter is left after Nyala dies.

Which leads to the Ladyin Ruins.

It also introduces the most dangerous random encounter in the game:
Music: Battlefield - Ultimate Predator

Four babies.
This fight goes one of two ways. If you don't know how to break the game over your knee:

You immediately eat 8 Downer Bites in a row with no chance of retaliation, thanks to their 117 SPD.
The only classes in the game that naturally beat that are Samurai, Agent, and Fortuner. And the former two need to be around level 90 to pull it off.

If you do know how to break the game, they're ez as always.
In fact, this encounter is the most lucrative EXP source in the game, giving a base total of 18K EXP per fight.
The Ladyin Ruins segment also has Wall Snatchers and Blackhorns, plus the highest tier Gold Rabi, Queen Rabi, and Dragonsbane Seed can appear from here on out.

But the funny thing is?

The Shadow Realm, unlike every other bonus dungeon in the series, has absolutely no field dragons. There's nothing stopping you from using 15 Optical Camouflage and Stealth III to just stroll from one boss to the next. Sure, you'll be a tad underleveled by the end, but you can easily compensate for that by leaning into Unison more.

Another save.

And another boss.

This time my plan is a bit more involved, requiring a full backup team of Mages made just for this.
They're all level 1, but that won't matter.

The strategy for this fight is simple:
Video: VS Haze (Again) (Again)
Music: True Dragon - 1st Encount

Haze is weak to lightning, and everyone but Inoue has some source of lightning damage to set off Windy Canopy.

The Shadow Blade Dragon has 16K LF, nearly matching VFD's final form.

I can't let Inoue die here, so Valerie gets to tank.
Remember when Valerie did that? Before she could tear things apart with her bare hands?

Had to block this.

Get Solid Stance going...

And one more turn to make sure Hyper Shell is broken.


I guess I didn't need Mage Squad after all.
How anticlimactic.
The first use of Windy Canopy eats both EX and Solid Stance, so only normal buffs work on every subsequent hit.

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Forfeit - The Dragon Inquires

Wow, how enlightening.

And then it just...

Immediately throws us into Hypnos.

I go and shuffle my parties.
The strat this time is to hit Hypnos as hard as I can with Vivian.
Seriously, the poor girl deserves some time in the spotlight. Even Thomas got to chip in when I clowned on Hypnos before.

Also Blue Dragonsbane still hurts us.

Video: VS Hypnos (Again)
Music: Ignith of the Final Attack feat. riya(eufonius)

For whatever reason, Shadow Agni gets a massive jump from 16K to 27K LF.
My original plan was to try and one shot her, but alas.

Shadow Agni deals 200 damage with her normals, and 300 with Decuple Blades. GEORGE! will be keeping her offense low while Aiden and Vivian set up.

Daphne Mezereum is far less scary now that I have a bunch of multi-status accessories.

And that's everything set up.

Also fun fact Trick Hand works on full heal items.

Much better.

Good job, Vivian!

Oh no.

Shame lostpower neuters it here about as well as it did back in Preloma.

Oh well.

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Forfeit - The Dragon Inquires

Next time: Mage Squad actually gets to do something.